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Indigenous Climate Action

Protecting indigenous peoples’ rights and knowledge systems



Problem + Solution

Climate injustice
Indigenous leaders

Indigenous Climate Action (ICA) is an organisation working to make the climate change conversation more diverse. The platform advocates for indigenous rights, environmental and social justice by upholding Indigenous Peoples’ inherent right and authority to make decisions about their well-being. ICA holds online and in person gatherings to amplify voices of indigenous communities in Canada. ICA works in four main ways: gatherings, amplifying indigenous voices, providing resources and tools and supporting Indigenous sovereignty.

A close up image of a handshake against a neutral background.A closeup of a raised fist, against a neutral background.megaphone representing voices heard loud and clear


Use the ICA’s toolkit to learn about indigenous communities

A close up image of a handshake against a neutral background.A closeup of a raised fist, against a neutral background.megaphone representing voices heard loud and clear


Like what they do? Attend a gathering in Canada

A close up image of a handshake against a neutral background.A closeup of a raised fist, against a neutral background.megaphone representing voices heard loud and clear


Feel inspired? Contact ICA to volunteer

A close up image of a handshake against a neutral background.A closeup of a raised fist, against a neutral background.megaphone representing voices heard loud and clear


Watch webinars, panel discussions and educational videos about indigenous communities

user experience

ease of engagement



Perfect for...

Indigenous people and allies

Our Honest Opinion

We love that Indigenous Climate Action amplifies indigenous voices, making the environmental movement more diverse. ICA’s four main pillars of action are solutions orientated and fosters collaboration and community. By giving a voice to indigenous people, ICA is empowering those who are most vulnerable to climate change.