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Climate Fringe

The directory of climate events across Scotland



Problem + Solution

Scattered movement
All-in-one platform

Hosted by Stop Climate Chaos Scotland, Climate Fringe is a platform to share events and connect with other climate organizations. In a simple and effective layout, anyone can search and find events across the climate community. Missed an event? Good news, because they put up recordings of past events, so you can catch up on any climate related workshop, speaker, and more!

A close up image of a handshake against a neutral background.A closeup of a raised fist, against a neutral background.megaphone representing voices heard loud and clear


Want to join an event? Check out the events calendar!

A close up image of a handshake against a neutral background.A closeup of a raised fist, against a neutral background.megaphone representing voices heard loud and clear


Want to help host or organise an event at Climate Fringe Week (18-26 Sep)?

A close up image of a handshake against a neutral background.A closeup of a raised fist, against a neutral background.megaphone representing voices heard loud and clear


Want to organize events in the lead up to COP26? Join a working group!

A close up image of a handshake against a neutral background.A closeup of a raised fist, against a neutral background.megaphone representing voices heard loud and clear


Searching for collaborators? They have a space to share and search opportunities

user experience

ease of engagement



Perfect for...

Climate-curious people based in Scotland. Event organisers looking for amplification.

Our Honest Opinion

Climate Fringe events cover a range of sectors, from arts&culture, to science communication, civil society and more. Are you organizing an event? Reach out, because they make it easy to have your event listed for more people to discover!

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